Personal Planet Packaging - 13 May 2016

Like bundled services, Mercury, Venus and the Sun presently engage in a tidy package of planetary processing, fully focused on articulating visions and dreams, then stepping toward fulfillment within the process of acquiring the real world resources necessary to make those goals and aspirations turn into the tangible completion.

On the heels of the fleet-footed messenger’s walk-about across the Sun last Monday, here we are processing the need to achieve impeccable clarity of the actual world reality that surrounds us. According to Taurus, the occupancy of this transit, things need to be real, grounded, achievable and within the possibility of monetization within a reasonable interval of time. At least so says the recent Sun-Mercury transit’s extra precise alignment.

This Mercury to Sun stimulation serves as a preview of coming attractions.

Here on Friday 13th, the next step in the real world saga thickens as Venus aligns during the retracing of Mercury in Taurus. Those conceived, well-planned steps established last Monday now can be further defined, budgeted, and eloquently articulated. This is a clear “ask and ye shall receive” pattern. Two important components of Venus benefit from rearticulation here: First, assess all personal attributes and talents such that a sense of intrinsic wealth establishes a sense of personal deserve-ability. Second, when the good stuff you asked to receive shows up, remember to accept promptly and graciously.

Of course, with the set up of Mercury retrograde to Venus here, it could actually be the upcoming Venus to Sun transit that reaps all the rewards. Venus osculates with the Sun in Gemini on June 6th. Not too bad. In less that a month the bundling of transits promises likely results.

Remember, Mercury remains retrograde until May 22nd. Between now and then it may be worthwhile to check in with those with whom you’ve been doing the real world dealing. Honoring Mercury, check to see that all required documents, information and forms have been successfully processed. Ask if any questions exist and/or whatever else you might be able to do to ensure ease and continuity to the process and ongoing development.

Given that Mercury can be perceived as a pesky sort, and keeping in mind that Ceres inches toward Uranus and Eris (June 21st), perhaps stop queries and follow-up short of becoming a nuisance.

The stage is then set for Mercury to join the Sun once again, and complete this personal planet package. Mercury and the Sun align in Cancer on July 6th. At this time a clear evaluation of what has taken place compared to objectives stated is in order. Cross all things accomplished off the list. Document and celebrate milestones. The Sun possesses his share of magnanimous intent and he responds very favorably to celebration, especially when well deserved.

Should there be objectives not achieved, no fretting - especially under a solar transit. Consider this Mercury to Sun alignment as a refreshed time for declaration, perhaps with refined intent.

Looking ahead, it bears repeating that as last weekend of May arrives, Jupiter and Saturn form yet another square. While this is a push-pull pattern, a square between Jupiter and Saturn creates an extreme awareness of expansion and contraction, and with that awareness the potential for massive giant steps of progress. This acute balance permits an exacting advance within an accurate assessment of what is available, what is required and how much time is involved.

Recall also that Mars continues to retrograde until late June. Any assessment of resources benefits from an inclusion of the energy required to complete the task at hand, or long term objectives. Sometimes stuff and time yield to energetic considerations.

It is also worth remembering that on the upcoming solstice a trinity or potentially rabble-rousing planets align. Keep clear, original intent in mind. Focus on the high road of any philosophical beliefs upon which causes are based. Remember that when the time comes to back off from high tension negotiations and the deal is cut, turn the focus to energizing the agreement and putting the train of progress properly on the path.

More soon.